Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Managing in the Twenty-First Century

Organization :
A group of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve the stated goals of the group.

- Common purpose/goals
- Organizational structure

Manager :
A person who plans, organizes, leads, and controls the work of others so that the organization achieves its goals.

-          Is responsible for contribution.
-          Gets things done through the efforts of other people.
-          Is skilled at the management process.

Management Process
-          Refers to the manager’s four basic functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Management skills are also useful for “non-managers”.
       In the workplace
       Leisure activities

Efficiency means achieving the greatest possible output with a given amount of input.

Effectiveness means to achieve goals that have been set.
To achieve managerial effectiveness, focus on
       The tasks that employees do
       The satisfaction of employees as they do the tasks

The Manager as Innovator
        The Entrepreneurial Process
       Getting employees to think of themselves as entrepreneurs.
        The Competence-Building Process
       Working hard to create an environment that lets employees really take charge.
        The Renewal Process
       Guarding against complacency by encouraging employees to question why they do things as they do—and if they might do them differently.

Do You Have the Traits to Be a Manager?

        Personality and Interests
       Social Orientation
        Attracted to working with others in a helpful or facilitative way; comfortable dealing with people.
       Enterprising Orientation
        Enjoy working with people in a supervisory or persuasive way in order to achieve some goal.
       Managerial Competence
        The motivation and skills required to gain a management position, including intellectual (analytical), emotional, and interpersonal skills.
       Career Anchor
        Is an occupational self-concept or value that directs an individual’s career choices.  Managers often have had a strong motivation to earn the position of manager.

The Managerial Skills
        Technical Skills
       The need to know how to plan, organize, lead, and control.
        Interpersonal Skills
       An understanding of human behavior and group processes, and the feelings, attitudes, and motives of others, and ability to communicate clearly and persuasively.
        Conceptual Skills
       Good judgment, creativity, and the ability to see the “big picture” when confronted with information.

Today’s Management Environment
       The tendency of firms to extend their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad.
        Technological Innovation
       Information technology advances have revolutionized the workplace
        Deregulation and Privatization
       Less government involvement in business

        Changing Political Systems
       Central planning is being replaced by capitalism
        A Diverse Workforce
       Increasing numbers of women and minority-groups participating
       Becoming older
        Category Killers
       Large chain stores squeeze out weaker retail firms and negotiate lower cost of goods sold

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Terima Kasih sudah membaca tulisan Jay yang sederhana, dan unik ini~^^
Semoga bermanfaat yah~

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Salam Inspirasi~^0^